In last week’s blog, “What is Gratitude?” we explored how gratitude is generally defined as a quality to express but that it can be much more than that when adopted as a lifestyle.
If we convinced you to adopt the Boditude Lifestyle, you may be saying; “Okay, I’m in – I understand that Gratitude is a powerful tool that can really improve my physical and mental well being, outlook on life, and general success, but how do I do it?”
Great question!
The best way to really embrace the Boditude Llifestyle is by adopting daily techniques and dedicating time to its practice. The most immersive way is to participate in a online Boditude group session, but if you’re not ready for that just yet, here are a few gratitude techniques you can easily adopt today that will jumpstart your new lifestyle.
Quick Tips to Practicing Gratitude:
1. Count Your Blessings
Each day write down 3 – 10 things you are grateful for. Remember, practicing gratitude is about being mindful of and grateful for everything in your life – this can be very big things (like being grateful for your relationship to your mother) or very small things (like being grateful for that new candle you just bought).
The most important thing here is to create a routine around counting your blessings. We suggest that you get a notebook dedicated to listing your blessings and set a specific a time of day to list your blessings each day. Pick whatever time works best for you – maybe it’s the first thing you do in the morning or last thing you do before you go to bed. Or maybe you keep it in your desk at work and write your list on your lunch break. Set a daily alarm on your smartphone, or leave a post it on your mirror. People are most successful when they have a set routine that works for them.
2. Three Good Things
This is similar to counting your blessings but is more focused on the present. With this technique, each evening you will write down three good things that happened to you that day. It’s easy to list 10 things you’re grateful for when you’re thinking of the past or your whole life in general – “sure, I’m thankful for my relationship to my mom, that trip I took last year, and my dog.” But it’s more difficult to be grateful for three things in a day where maybe you woke up on the wrong side of the bed, spilled your coffee, and had a flat tire.
The old adage is true; “Every day may not be good, but there is something good in every day”. We all go through hard times, but this technique of intentionally recognizing good things will help you to practice gratitude in even your most dark days.
3. Write A Letter
Though you may not complete this technique each day, it can provide a feeling of instant gratification. Writing a letter to someone you are grateful for listing what they mean to you and why you appreciate them makes the recipient feel loved. But also, the act of writing the letter can boost your mood exponentially. Often times, putting pen to paper releases feelings you weren’t really aware of or didn’t fully understand. It can bring you closer to the person and to your true self.
Feeling shy? That’s okay; this is a technique created to increase your own gratitude, so you don’t even have to give the person the letter. However just think of how they will feel when they get it.
Congratulations on making the decision to embrace this lifestyle! By adopting the Boditude Lifestyle, you’re making a commitment to yourself that, when done right, will make you a happier, healthier, and more positive person. Adopting these quick tips will give you a jumpstart, but should you ever need some more support, check out our daily motivational, enlightening, and inspiring posts of Facebook and Instagram, join an online Boditude session, or ask us questions at any time!